Jumpstart Industries Presents...  


Announcing the "Graphic Emergency Program"
Do you or someone you know suffer from poor design, inconsistent fonts, a "dot-com" look, or just need something updated for the NEW new economy?

Announcing Jumpstart Industries' Graphic Emergency Program. One lucky winner each month will be able to have an advertisement, datasheet, business card or their lobby revamped visually.* The deadline for submission for our August Program is August 1st.

How do I submit my Emergency?

Submit a scan of you document to jumpstart@mikkstudios.com with a 50-100 word explanation of what the perceived emergency is. UGLY and OUTDATED do qualify. We also like CONFUSING, AMBIGUOUS, and CONFLICTED as emergency categories. Remember, we can also shed that oh-so-dot-com look for something suited for the NEW new ecomony.

The entries will be narrowed down to the 10 that are the most deserving of an emergency makeover, and from these 10 finalists a winner will be selected at random.


Aug. 1 — We have a Winner!

First, thanks to everyone for their great submissions. We put the names of the finalists in a hat and pulled out a Rock 'n Roll Band!

The original card was designed by a member of the band, and while it works fine as is, we hope to make it even better with our patented Jumpstart Recipe™. Research on the style of the band will likely include interviews with the band members, and a few field trips to local bars to hear them in action, but we will do whatever is needed in the interests of good design. Check back in the first week of September to see the results.




Dot-com-ectomy Program is also available.
Please email de-dot@mikkstudios.com for more information.




Services are good up to 10 hours of design time and does not include any production or printing costs. Digital files will be provided as well as vender contacts when applicable. Emergencies will be delivered back by 9/1/01 in good health. Emergency applicants agree to have the before and after items posted on the Jumpstart Industries web site. Applicants also agree to have fun, a sense of humor and five hours to provide for meetings and comp reviews.




©2001 Jumpstart Industries