
Jumpstart Industries provides foundational design services to help businesses get going with their company image. Our approach to this complex task of creating an ‘image’ for a company is to follow a simple, step by step process. This process walks the client and our team through a period of discovery, exploration, solidification, application, and execution.



Step 1:

With each potential client, we arrange a free–of–charge meeting to discuss your business and evaluate to see if you are ready to build your company image. We approach each client relationship seriously, because this will be an intensive and important partnership with your business. If we aren’t able to connect with you in this meeting, chances are we will never be able to create a company image that supports you and your company properly. After the discovery meeting, we’ll meet and determine if we will prepare a proposal for your company. We will deliver this proposal within 48 hours of our first meeting. In this proposal we will list out the suggested services, the spirit of your company and a tenative schedule for execution.